Support for First-Generation Students
The C2Hub serves as a resource for current First-Generation students as they navigate campus, alongside campus partners.
Explore First-Gen SupportAll of the C2Hub’s various student resources can be found on this page. You can choose your own adventure on our roadmap by clicking the anchor links above, which will jump down to a specific resource.
Not finding what you are looking for? Send us an email at or call us at 303-615-1133.
Get started with your resume, building your network, and searching for jobs.
Explore C2Hub resources and support services to help you get ready for your career, no matter where you are in your career journey.
Upload your resume, apply for jobs & internships, RSVP for events, and more!
Career Link is where you can upload and manage your resume, apply for jobs and internships, register for our events, apply for internship credit and more.
For step-by-step instructions on how to navigate Career Link, click “Need Help Getting Started” below to go to the Career Link webpage.
Check out Quinncia to get real time feedback on your Resume with AI.
Need to create a resume or update your resume quickly? Prepping for a job application that is due and need immediate feedback? Then check out Quinncia!
Quinncia – powered by Quinn is an AI-powered career readiness platform hosted by MSU Denver’s Classroom to Career (C2) Hub where students can optimize their resumes, practice mock interviews, and more.
Check out Vault to learn more about top employers and career paths. provides in-depth intelligence on what it’s really like to work in an industry, company or profession—and how to position yourself to land that job. Search current jobs and internships, research a company, school or industry, get the inside scoop on what it’s really like, and find the career advice you need to launch your career.
Check out the "What Can I Do With This Major?" tool and learn more about career pathways, integral skills, and industry outlooks for your major.
Learn more about our career exploration resourcesStudents – Check out a more comprehensive list of workshops, information sessions, and career events.
Employers – See something you want to engage with and contribute to? Connect with your Industry Navigator to learn how to get involved.
Check out Career Lab & virtual support drop-ins.
Stop by Career Lab to learn more about C2Hub resources, talk with a career advisor, or have a quiet space to work on your career plan.
You can also drop-in virtually for a quick resume review, job search questions, and to learn about resources.
The C2Hub serves as a resource for current First-Generation students as they navigate campus, alongside campus partners.
Explore First-Gen SupportGet funding for professional development travel, graduate school entrance exams, and professional licensure exams and courses.
Learn More about Travel & Prof DevLearn more about graduate school and receive guidance through your exploration and application process.
Explore Support for Grad SchoolCheck out ways to search for jobs and internships, and even get paid for an unpaid internship.
Learn more about what an internship is and how to find one.
Learn more about how you can receive academic credit for your internship.
Explore resources curated by the C2Hub to guide you through the Student Employment Process.
Every semester, the C2 Hub works with hundreds of employers who are interested in hiring MSU Denver students.
Get paid for your unpaid internship by applying to our Earn & Learn program.
Check out ways to get short-term, professional experience in micro-internships.
Check out C2Hub’s new video series on essential skills for career success. The best part? You’re already learning and developing these skills as you progress through your degree at MSU Denver. We’re here to help you showcase these essential skills on your resume for employers and confidently apply them as you begin your career.
Meet with an advisor about career direction, answer job search questions, explore assessments, resume reviews, & interview prep.
Learn How to Make an AppointmentExplore different career fields, learn about career resources, or search to land an internship or job opportunity.
Explore The ProgramConnect with our Exploratory Advising Team to gain information you need to choose a major, or learn about your strengths, interests, and values.
Connect with the TeamClick the link below to see a directory of C2Hub teams and professional staff members. Just click their email to send a message or connect with them via an appointment or LinkedIn.
Connect with a C2Hub Staff MemberAre you a STEM major looking for additional career resources? Check out the MSU Denver STEM playlist for support around goal setting, academic success, and imposter syndrome.
Check out the STEM Career Planning Guide! This guide is intended to help you make a plan, connect to resources at MSU Denver, and stay on track to ensure you are career ready at graduation.